Red Squirrel Blog 1.2.19

I liked it when Miss Firth came back from New Zealand on Wednesday – Aimee May.

I enjoyed doing bikability – Emma

I really missed Miss Firth and I was happy to see her – Sophia.

I liked doing my story map – George.

I liked doing maths, subtracting tens and ones, using a number line – Chloe, William and Elise.

I enjoyed making the clay aliens – Neidas, Harry, Wes and Caleb W.

I enjoyed doing my home learning, I made an alien taxi! – Mabel.

I liked describing the setting picture – Reece.

I liked it when Ebony came back from being poorly – Henry.

I’ve enjoyed looking at verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, similes and prepositions – Joe.

We enjoyed talking about our aspirations with Mrs Child – whole class.

In science, we made alien pants out of different materials and tested them in water to see how the materials reacted.

Red Squirrel Class Blog 25.01.19

I enjoyed writing one paragraph for why aliens make the best pets – Eshal

I liked writing a story about aliens – Sophia

I liked doing my maths – Caleb C.

I liked guided reading – Joe

I liked naming the 5 oceans – Tommy

I liked Maths and I liked the teachers – Emma

I liked being videoed because I got a gold and silver for it – Eshal

I liked writing – Caleb C.

I liked writing a persuasion text – Tommy

I liked writing to persuade someone to get a dog – Reece

I enjoyed doing the Pass the Parcel – Samuel

I enjoyed painting our spaceships – Elise

I liked learning about which meat comes from which animal in Funtrition – Wes

I liked looking at the food packets and writing down how much protein was in each food – William

I enjoyed finding fractions of numbers – Jenson

I enjoyed writing in English – Mabel

I have enjoyed everything this week – Neidas

Red Squirrels Blog 18.1.19

“I liked guided reading” Sophia & Elise

“I liked doing division in Maths” Eshal

“I also liked learning about towns, villages and cities.” Eshal

“I liked doing the Maths challenges in the morning.” Samuel

“I liked doing Funtrition.” Wes

“I liked balance ability.” Samuel

“I liked decorating my front cover of my topic book!” Emma

“I liked painting a rocket.” Tommy & Joe

Red Squirrels Class Blog 14.12.18

“I’ve had a good day because it’s my birthday.” Wes.

“I enjoyed making baubles.” Mabel.

“I liked making a Christmas card.” Aimee-May

“I enjoyed making a Christmas basket using a net.” Elise.

“I enjoyed making a rudolph basket.” Emma

“I enjoyed writing an acrostic poem.” Eshal.

“I enjoyed dressing up as a shepherd for the class nativity and mummy and daddy seeing me.” George.

“I enjoyed the colour in numbers maths challenge.” Tommy

Red Squirrels Class Blog 30th November 2018

“I have enjoyed doing number bonds to 10.” Joe

“I liked shading in art.” Harry

“I liked making a tree cookie and a little santa out of wood.” Emma

“I enjoyed making the bow and arrows in Forest school.” Lola

“I enjoyed writing instructions on how to wash a woolly mammoth!” Tommy

“I love forest school.” Chloe

“I enjoyed reading Little Red Riding hood with Miss Brice in guided reading.” Mabel

“I like doing Literacy.” Seth

“I enjoy looking at other people’s home learning.” Samuel

Red Squirrels Blog 23rd November 2018

“I love doing Geography looking at the continents and I like doing Forest School.” Aimee-May.

“I like doing partitioning in Maths and I like Forest school.” Dexter.

“I liked playing in the craft area in the Forest.” Eshal.

“I liked making bird feeders in the forest.” Seth.

“I enjoyed learning the method to partition.” Samuel.

“I liked doing the reading comprehension.” Jenson

“I enjoyed doing word problems in Maths.” Harry.

“I like doing Maths.” Wes

“I enjoyed playing in the mud kitchen with Finley.” Chloe

Red Squirrels Class Blog, week beginning 12.11.18

“I enjoyed measuring and making Pudsey!” said Eshal.

“I enjoyed going on the Ipads playing a money game.” Said Caleb W.

“I enjoyed reading in guided reading and looking for contractions such as it’s” said Aimee-May.

“I enjoyed adding adjectives and openers to our story map to make it more interesting.” Said Tommy.

“I enjoyed setting up Children in Need games.” Said Wes.

“I like drawing.” Said George.

“I liked learning the 7 continents and making them with playdough” said Emma.

“I liked learning the continent song and using an atlas to find out the different oceans.” Said Henry.