Red Squirrel Blog 29.03.19

“I enjoyed doing the Arithmetic quiz!” Tommy

“I enjoyed the reading quiz.” Aimee-May

“I enjoyed the mad scientist.” Chloe

“I enjoyed playing with springs in science.” Wes

“I enjoyed Freddie Football flying in the air in assembly.” Emma

“I liked it when the mad scientist created a fire!” Dexter

“I enjoyed getting full marks in my tests!” Eshal

“I liked looking at the lights when we were wearing the refracting glasses” Ebony

“I enjoyed  making 3D shapes out of polydron.” Samuel

Red Squirrel Class Blog 22.03.19

I liked drawing shapes with sides of certain lengths.(Chloe)

I liked dancing at the Corn Exchange.(Elise)

I enjoyed writing out my plan for my story.(Wes)

I enjoyed writing my story.(Jenson)

I enjoyed learning about homophones.(Aimee-May)

I really enjoyed visiting ‘The Key To Life’ bus.(George)

I enjoying making a time line of Neil Armstrong’s life.(Ebony)

In Science we completed our cress growing chart.(Jessica)

In Maths we have been solving one and two step number problems.(Emma). 

Red Squirrel Blog 8.3.19

I enjoyed doing our rocket rotation in maths – George and Caleb W

I liked World book day and enjoyed making my favourite front cover – Wesley and Samuel

I enjoyed pancake day, making a healthy pancake menu in PSHE – William

I liked making our phones with our favourite characters on the screen – Emma and Chloe

I liked doing our thermometer work in maths using degrees Celsius-Ebony and Aimee- May

I liked doing maths all day for World Maths Day – Harry

In Literacy we have learnt a new story called Mr Big – Joe

I enjoyed doing co-ordinates in World Maths Day –Henry

I liked doing archery – Mabel

Red Squirrel Blog 1/3/19

“I loved Archery!” said Emma.

“I’ve enjoyed studying the Owl and the Pussycat Poem.” Said Jenson.

“I’ve enjoyed learning the time.” Said Dexter.

“I enjoyed painting a picture in the style of Van Gough.” Said Samuel.

“I enjoyed discovering facts about the sun. We are making a class book about the sun.” said Chloe.

“I like doing Maths in the morning.” Said Reece