Red Squirrels
Squirrels Class Weekly Blog – week beginning 23/11/20
This week in Maths we have been learning about fractions. “We have found ½, ¼, 1/3 and even 2/3, and ¾ of different numbers” (Mya). We have also found fractions of different 2D shapes.
“In handwriting we have been practicing capital and lower case letters and where they sit on the line” (Thea).
In Literacy we have been learning about instructions. We found out about imperative verbs (bossy verbs), using Little Miss Bossy. And also time connective (first, next, then, after that, finally). “We followed instructions to make paper aeroplanes” (Annabelle). “We wrote instructions for how to make potato truffles” (Elsie).
“We have been learning how to sew” (Emiliana).
“We made cake trifle and tasted it” (William).
We are coming to the end of our World War 2 topic now. We have all really enjoyed it!
Squirrels Class Weekly Blog – week beginning 16/11/20
We have had another busy week in Squirrels Class! We have been continuing with our World War 2 Topic and we have been finding out about air raid shelters.
We have made air raid shelters and we tested them outside to see if they were camouflaged and strong (Annabelle).
We have also been finding out about some of the things that children and adults used to do for fun during WW2.
We learnt the Lindy Hop, about the radio, and some of the simple toys that children played with like marbles, dolls, metal cars, skipping (Harley-Reece).
In Maths this week we have been learning about multiplication and division (Archie). The children used bead strings and plates to share out different amounts to find the answers to different subtraction number sentences.
In Literacy this week we read the book ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’ by Shirley Hughes and talked about evacuees. We wrote thought bubbles, using the first person, to describe how we would have felt if we had been evacuated to the countryside.
Squirrels Class Weekly Blog – week beginning 9/11/20
In Science this week we have been finding out about different materials and we tested to see which materials were TRANSPARENT, OPAQUE or TRANSLUCENT. I found out that in one of the materials the light bounced off back onto the wall and I could see my shadow (Freddie).
Some of us had our first swimming lesson today and some of us brought our bikes to school. The swimming pool is nice and warm (William).
I learnt how to ride my bike today without any stabilisers (Elsie).
We have been practicing multiplication again this week (Emse). We have also been learning about odd and even numbers and we even learnt a song (Bailey).
0, 2, 4, 6, 8 even numbers on the gate.
1, 3, 5, 7, 9 hang the odd numbers on the line.
In Literacy we have been learning how to use the conjunctions and, but and because (Harley-Reece).
On Tuesday we all really enjoyed dressing up as evacuees and we had a special WW2 themed day. One of my favourite activities was role playing who would choose me as an evacuee or who I would choose (Mia).
Squirrels Class Weekly Blog – week beginning 2/11/20
Squirrels Class have had a fabulous week!
In Maths we have been learning about multiplication (Liam). We have been using the array method to help us to solve multiplication number sentences, focusing on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We completed number sentences like 2X10= 20 (William).
We have been learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot (Emiliana).
In Literacy we have been learning how to use alliteration and we wrote some Bonfire Night Poems.
Bonfire Night
Mountain marshmallows melting.
Fiery fireworks fizzing fast.
Red rocket racing.
Shimmering sparkler sizzling.
We made bonfire pictures using black paper, templates and we used pastels to add colour. We made the Houses of Parliament and drew windows and doors (Evie).
This week we made poppies. We used templates to make the petals and black paper for the centre (Joseph T.).
Squirrels Class Weekly Blog – week beginning 12/10/20
This week we have been learning all about wolves and I have found out that wolves are the biggest in the dog family (Annabelle).
Wolves jaws are twice as strong as dogs jaws (Harley-Reece).
Wolves are smarter than dogs (Stryker).
Wolves hunt for food for their babies and they chew and swallow up the food. Then they sick it out to feed their babies (Oscar).
We have drawn pictures of wolves using sketching pencils (Archie).
We have been learning about Edith Cavell. She helped soldiers in World War I (Freya).
Edith Cavell hid 200 soldiers to help them to escape from Belgium. She helped both sides of soldiers (Isabelle).
In Maths we have been learning about subtraction and counting back using a number line, using bigger numbers (Thea).