Otters Class Blog week commencing 14.1.19

Most of us have finished off our instructions for How To Wash An Earthlet.  Today we edited them with a black pen (Ralphie).

We have divided and found answers to division sums and continued practising counting on in 2s and 10s, but also practised 5s, 3s and 4s.

We have drawn pictures of aliens and space objects to cover out new topic books and have imagined what an alien space rocket would look like and used different 2D shapes to design one.  We then used bright colours to paint these and outlined them with black pen when we had finished them.  We thought they looked amazing!  Look out for these on our hall display board.

Otters Class Blog 13.7.18

This week we have been busy practising our leavers’ songs and poems ready for our Leavers Service next week, and for the Summer Fair (Eden H.) We have been learning and practising hour to speak coherently and clearly in front of an audience (Ben C. and Riley.)

We have written fond memories of our time at South Wootton Infant School (Lucie.) These have included funny and enjoyable times. In maths we have learnt knew vocabulary to help us when giving directions. We practised guiding a partner using these (Albie.)

In topic we learnt new geography words and how to recognise physical features in a landscape (Harry.) We drew a picture and labelled valleys, lakes, hills, mountains, oceans, streams and rivers (Mehdi.)

In science we learnt about different body parts and how our senses help us. We thought about which is the most important body part. Some of us thought the brain is the most important because it controls everything and helps us remember (Lucie.)

Some of us then thought our nose was the most important because it helps us to breathe and smell (Esme.) Some people thought ears were most important, if your ears don’t work you can’t listen for dangerous or exciting noises or listen to peoples voices.

In PE we have practised running races for sports day and raced competitively.

Otters Class Blog 29.6.18

We have had a very busy week.  On Tuesday we visited the Junior School.  We had a tour and met our new teachers.  We made parrots and created a memory puzzle (Alyssa).

On Wednesday we went to the Royal Norfolk Show.  It was brilliant and fantastic!  (Chris, Fin, Amber).  We enjoyed lots of things included a dogshow (Riley), horse and cart demonstration (Charlie H), statues carved out of wood (Harry), sitting in in helicopter (Lucie), bubble making and lots more.

We wrote about our favourite things at the Norfolk Show (Amelia) and we have all written tongue twisters with a partner.  We tried to say them aloud as fast as we  could but some managed this better than others.  (Joe)

In maths we have searched for right angles in shapes ;and objects around the classroom and playground.  We made snakes with right angle mouths to helps us check and search for these.

In music we made badges for our minibeast groups.  Albie, Anton, Mehdi, Harry, Charlie H and Chris collaborated extremely well to create theirs.  They discussed their ideas and listened to each other to come up with their final design.

Otters Class Blog – 22.6.18

We learnt what jobs need doing on a farm during the 4 different seasons. (Lucie)  In spring they plant seeds. (Esme)

Today we did science and we learnt how best to grow a plant.  We watched a video clip which told us seeds need water, light, the right temperatures, time and air to grow well.  We have sewn cress seeds and hope they will grow into cress. (Fin, Mehdi, Charlie O.)  We will be busy watering them to help them grow.

In maths we practised measuring capacity.  We worked in partners to help measure how many millilitres (ml) were in a container.  Thankfully there weren’t too many spillages! (Isaac)

In music we used instruments again to make our mini beast music and we have finished writing it now.  We are now officially composers! (Amber)

In english and topic we learnt the story of how milk comes from a cow and gets to the shops.  We wrote sentences and drew pictures to explain how this happens. (Lilly-Mai).  This is called an explanation text.

Otters Class Blog – 15.6.18

This week we have been learning about food and how it gets from farm to fork.  We have learnt what foods come from animals, plants or both.  For example beef comes from cows, strawberries from plants and chocolate from both. (Mehdi, Esme and Fin.)

We had fun making butter using cream. We shook it up and down in a jar until it became butter.  It was very hard work!

After that we spread the butter

on some bread and tasted it.

It was very delicious. (Scarlett and Joe.)

In English we learnt the story The Disgusting Sandwich.  We wrote our own stories and instructions on how to make a disgusting sandwich. (Amber and Lucie). We also edited to help improve our work. (Harry.)

In music we continued to record and practise our music for minibeasts.  We have been working very hard on this.

For maths this week we have done some estimating to help us know whether we have got the right answer to a sum.  We have also been looking at 3D shapes and naming them and discussing their properties.  We have looked at cylinders, cubes, cuboids,  spheres, square based pyramid and triangular prisms.