Hedgehog Blog 04.10.19

Erin – I enjoyed doing 1 more and one less in maths.

Evie- I enjoyed practising my tricky words.

Martha- I enjoyed making the characters flap houses.

Gracie- I enjoyed showing my home learning.

Isaac- I have enjoyed everything.

Ellamea- I enjoyed making my hedgehog out of clay in the forest area.

Thomas- I enjoyed doing my maths. I enjoyed counting.

Hedgehog Blog 27.9.19

Isaac -I have enjoyed writing about the Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Beau – I have enjoyed doing the challenges especially sorting out the dominoes.

Evie – I have enjoyed writing stories in challenge time.

Mollie – I have enjoyed looking after my friends at playtime.

Martha – I have enjoyed doing maths.

Eleanor – I enjoyed going on the balance bikes.

Broden – I have enjoyed learning about the Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Hedgehog Blog 12th July 2019

This week we visited our year 2 classes! We are so excited to go into year 2!

“I enjoyed making a bookmark in year 2” Thalia

“I liked making bubble writing on my bookmark.” Charlie

“I enjoyed making an Otter in year 2” Lacie

“I enjoyed making a red squirrel in year 2” Stanley

“I liked writing about what I’m Otterly amazing at!” Evie

“I liked making the tree, showing what I like and what I am good at.” Blake

This week we also enjoyed,

“I enjoyed adding in 10s on a blank number line.” Blake

“I liked writing my own comment on my report.” Lacie

“I enjoyed writing my non-chronological report.” Primrose

Hedgehog Class Blog

“I’ve enjoyed singing the song for the summer fair” Lacie

“I enjoyed making fish for our performance.” Thalia

“I enjoyed writing my non-chronological report on Sam the security guard starfish” Dexter

“I enjoyed playing with the construction.” Harley

“I enjoyed challenging myself to really hard number sentences. I worked out 137+99!” Primrose

“I enjoyed creating a map during challenge time.” Henry E

“I enjoyed everything this week!” Arthur

“I enjoyed PE” Stanley

“I enjoyed joining up in handwriting practise.” Evie

Hedgehog Class Blog 28.06.19

“I enjoyed boxing up Starry Eyed Stan” Charlie

“I enjoyed thinking of ideas for my own character.” Harley

 “I enjoyed drawing a text map for my non-chronological report about Eels.” Thalia

“I enjoyed creating a lobster!” Prim

“I enjoyed making seagulls” Evie

 “I enjoyed learning about non-living and living things.” Lacie

“I enjoyed doing maths using the beadstrings.” Isabella

 “I enjoyed doing numbers in maths.” Stanley

“I enjoyed doing the 100 number square puzzle.” Prim

“I enjoyed throwing in PE.” Henry E

“I enjoyed doing the running races” Ella S

 “I loved jumping in the mud in the forest!” Alfie

Hedgehog Class Blog 21.6.19

“I liked history looking at seaside holidays in the past.” Blake

 “I enjoyed making Punch and Judy puppets and creating a show!” Primrose

“I enjoyed designing a beach hut.” Aeryn

“I am looking forward to building the beach hut.” Kaia

“I liked learning about the tides.” Evie

“I enjoyed making a starfish.” Regan

 “I enjoyed going to the art exhibition at the church.” Thalia

“I enjoyed doing PE especially throwing and running.” Stanley

“I enjoyed doing complicated questions in maths.” Ella

“I enjoyed putting the correct information under the right subheading.” Isabella

 “I liked learning about different body parts in RSE.” Aeryn

“I enjoyed learning about our ribs.” Henry E

Hedgehogs Class Blog 14th June 2019

“I enjoyed making a father’s day card.” Dexter

“I enjoyed doing the phonics test” Harley

“I liked learning about different feelings.” Thalia

“I enjoyed making a feeling spinner.” Kiean

“I enjoyed making my jellyfish” Lacie

“I enjoyed learning the non-chronological report” Evie

“I enjoyed playing bingo in Maths” Primrose

“I enjoyed the story Starry Eyed Stan” Blake