Hedgehog Class Blog 10.1.20

“I’ve enjoyed counting to 20.” India

“I have enjoyed using the part part whole model in Maths.” Eleanor

 “I liked partitioning tens and ones in the part part whole model.” Gracie

  “I enjoyed listening to our morning stories.” Lincoln

“I liked learning about our new topic, Space.” Broden

“I enjoyed being curious, asking questions about our new topic, Space.” Freddie

“I have enjoyed learning about different planets.” Taylor

“I liked learning about the space station (ISS)” Braidie

“I liked learning about Space and looking at what astronauts do.” Beau

 “I enjoyed writing my Christmas holiday news.” Evie

“I liked writing about a setting. I wrote about a jungle.” Rowan

“I enjoyed outdoor learning, finding the shapes in the forest and around the field.” Logan

 “I liked celebrating Miss Brice’s birthday and sharing her cake with her!” Ellamea

Hedgehog Class Blog 13.12.19

“I enjoyed practising our Christmas play.” Matthew

“I enjoyed rehearsing the Christmas play too.” Broden

“I liked rehearsing in church using the microphone.” Braidie

“I enjoyed watching the year 2 dress rehearsal.” Evie

“I enjoyed writing the story about baby Jesus.” Mollie

“I enjoyed going to the Christmas Fair.” India

 “I liked creating Christmas wreaths.” Ryan

“I enjoyed writing about how to help Santa get out of the chimney!” Ellamea

 “I enjoyed coming to school in my pyjamas for the bedtime reading cafe and Miss Brice read a funny Christmas story!” Beau

“I enjoyed making Christmas cards.” Sophia

 “I enjoyed using 3D shapes to create a repeated pattern.” Isaac

“I liked creating patterns using shapes too.” Eleanor

“I liked using colours to create a repeated pattern on a scarf.” Thomas

 “I liked doing my maths.” Gracie

Hedgehog Class Blog 29.11.19

“I enjoyed making a Christmas bag for my mummy and daddy.” Isaac

“I enjoyed making a Christmas book.” Logan

“I’ve enjoyed singing the song, the 12 days of Christmas.” Mollie

 “I enjoyed making a swan using a plate for the song 12 days of Christmas.” Thomas

“I enjoyed making a handprint swan for the seven swans are swimming.” Phoebe

 “I liked making paper chains.” Gracie

“I enjoyed making a really long paper chain and hanging them up in class.” Matthew

 “I’ve enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London and writing about it.” Braidie

“I enjoyed writing about the Great Fire of London.” India

 “I’ve enjoyed writing a diary during challenge time!” Broden

 “I like drawing.” Harry

“I love doing the challenges!” Ellamea

 “I liked practising my tricky words.” Beau

“I’ve enjoyed writing my book about the unicorn and the giraffe.” Evie

 “I liked writing the tricky words.” Ryan

Hedgehog Class Blog 22.11.19

“I’ve enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London. It started in a bakery!” Isaac
“I drew the Great Fire of London. I drew big flames.” Broden
“I enjoyed making  a tudor house which looked like a house from the fire of London.” Ellamea
 “I liked singing London’s burning.” Braidie
“We split into two groups and sang at different times.” Ryan
“I used a drum with a stick to play while singing London’s burning.” Harry
“We also used bells.” Evie
 “I enjoyed writing a fairy story in challenge time.” Evie
“I enjoyed writing a story about the old town road.” Ryan
“I enjoyed how to write verbs in the past tense by adding –ed.” Sophia
“I have enjoyed challenging myself doing extra maths during challenge time.” Gracie 
“I enjoyed adding in challenge time.” Beau
“I enjoyed learning outside the classroom.” Mollie
“In outdoor learning we have been looking at shapes. We used our bodies to make the shapes.” Evie”

Hedgehog Blog 15.11.19

“I enjoyed making Pudsey cakes today.” India

“I liked eating my Pudsey cake!” Ryan

“I enjoyed playing Pudsey games at lunchtime.” Sophia

“I enjoyed joining Joe Wicks live, doing the morning exercises.” Ellamea

“I enjoyed drawing Pudsey! I cut him out.” Broden

“I enjoyed solving the Pudsey maths problems.” Gracie

 “Earlier this week I enjoyed learning about the United Kingdom. There are 4 countries in the UK.” Matthew

“I wrote all about Remembrance day” Eleanor. 

“We made poppies.” Luella

“I enjoyed adding using a number line.” Freddie

“I enjoyed writing songs for my family during challenge time.” Braidie

“I’ve enjoyed writing a story about a fairy, hedgehog and princess during challenge time.” Evie

“I liked creating a text map for Guy Fawkes diary.” Beau

“I enjoyed writing during challenge time” Mollie

 “I enjoyed writing tricky words.” Isaac

“I enjoyed drawing a picture of a healthy meal.” Thomas

Hedgehog Class Blog 08.11.19

“I liked learning about Guy Fawkes. He was trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament.” Isabelle

“We discovered a suitcase! There was an old diary inside. I think it belonged to Guy Fawkes because he had written that he wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament.” Taylor

“There was a feather and ink in the suitcase. I think it belonged to Harry Potter.” Elsa

“I liked making firework pictures with toilet rolls.” Thomas

“I enjoyed dropping a teabag with paint on it onto black paper to create a firework picture.” Luella

 “I enjoyed the maths challenge where we had to make 10 in lots of different ways using numicon.” Freddie

“I enjoyed adding up numbers and writing the number sentences to go with it.” Martha

“I enjoyed learning about number bonds too.” Beau

 “I liked writing about my weekend in my diary.” Rowan

“I enjoyed writing tricky words!” Evie

 “I enjoyed building a zoo using the construction.” Isaac

Hedgehog Blog 1.11.19

“I enjoyed learning about body parts. We drew around someone then labelled the body parts.” Ellamea

“I liked learning about body parts too. I liked the challenge where we had to put the skeleton together!” Braidie

“I enjoyed writing my poem. It was all about Autumn and our senses.” Beau

“I enjoyed writing my poem too. I liked writing it on special paper.” India

“I enjoyed learning our new sound ‘wh’ for ‘Where are you Whiffy Wilson?’” Evie

“I enjoyed making a necklace. I threaded some spiders onto a piece of string.” Isaac

“I enjoyed making a spider web. I used paper, string and glue from the art area to make it.” Broden

“I enjoyed making potions. I put frogs in it!” Freddie

“I enjoyed making things. I made a mouse with cheese and a lion with meat.” Logan

“I liked learning about the part part whole model. I liked using cubes then writing the number sentence to match it.” Gracie

Hedgehog Blog 18.10.19

“I enjoyed making a picture of a green and blue jellyfish.” Isaac

“I’ve enjoyed doing my home learning.” Evie

“I’ve enjoyed everything.” Ellamea

“I liked making my vegetable book.” Beau

“I enjoyed making a puppet.” Lincoln

“I liked learning about harvest.” Lillia

“I liked writing the tale of a combine harvester and a scarecrow.” Eleanor.

“I enjoyed making a lantern in learning outside the classroom.” Logan

“I enjoyed making the sukkah out of sticks and material.” Elsa

“I liked making seats out of logs to go in our sukkah.” Harry

“I enjoyed making a fruit salad then eating it in the sukkah.” Sophia.