Otters Blog 16.10.20

We have been learning about Edith Cavell, who was a nurse in the war. She helped soldier not just on her team but on every team. (Tayler)

In the forest school, we toasted marshmallows, we made a special stick to toast them so that we didn’t get burnt. (Freddie) I liked making the fairy pegs. (Isaac) I liked making a broomstick. (Luella) I enjoyed making my cutting sword tool. (Broden)

In English we learnt about non-fiction books and how to write facts. We learnt lots about wolves and organised information under sub-headings. (Lillia)

I have liked spending time with my teachers. (Ellamea)

In maths we have been counting down. We had to count down from 100 and work out which number came next. (Rowan)

In art, we sketched wolves and used HB, 2B and 4B pencils to add texture and shading. (Elsa) These pictures have been added to our display board.

We have been learning our capital letters. We had to match capitals to lower case letters on a train. I enjoyed this. (Mollie)

I enjoyed number bonds using what we know about number bonds to 10 to help us know number bonds to 100. (Beau)

I liked writing sentences using because..(Sophia)

I enjoyed it when a lady came and took pictures of us running around the track. We run every morning around the track. (Matthew)

Owls Class Blog 9.10.2020

What a couple of busy weeks we have had in Owls class.

We have been learning about the 4 seasons and have been using our senses to find out about Autumn. We have thought about the food we eat, where it comes from and how it is harvested.

Oi Frog! (Oi Frog and Friends): Gray, Kes, Field, Jim:  9781444910865: Books The Harvest Festival and the Month of Plenty - Harts Barn Cookery School

We have learnt that Christian people celebrate Harvest Festival to show they are thankful for the food God gives them. Jewish people also celebrate harvest and this festival is called Sukkot.

We have been learning to hear and spell rhyming words through our English work and have been working on one more and one less in our Maths.

Here’s what the children in Owls class had to say about their learning;

Ella, Jack, Leo, Louie and Lucas have all enjoyed learning about Harvest while Phoebe and Rosie have enjoyed drawing combine harvesters.

Securing Your Sukkah in the Wind | The Jewish Federation in the Heart of  New Jersey

Joshua enjoyed learning about Sukkot. “I liked drawing a Sukkah. They eat in it.”

“I liked writing my Autumn poem,” said Poppy.

Aladdin - Friend Like Me | Classic disney songs, Disney songs, Aladdin Eddie-Rose, Marisa, Matthew, Mia, Nancy and Sophie have all enjoyed the maths work we have been doing to find the number one more or one less.

“I like moving to the music in PE,” said Pippa.

The rest of us have just enjoyed being back at school and being able to spend time with our friends during snack time, playing in the forest, racing around the daily mile track or in the classroom.

Otters Blog 9.10.20

I really enjoyed making potions in the Forest Area. I used mint and other leaves and water. (Joshua)

I liked making a fairy peg in the Forest. (Isaac) I liked making a pine cone character. (Thomas) I liked going on the swing in the Forest Area. (Luella) I liked the biscuits and fire. (Lincoln)

I enjoyed adding numbers using a number line. (Matthew and Phoebe.)

I enjoyed reading in Guided Reading this week. We read the story Hans in Luck.(Ellamea)

I liked learning about a healthy diet and we had to draw a healthy meal. I added carrots and broccoli. (Eleanor)

C:\Users\MrsACHild.1781-SWOOTINF.028\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\IMG_7794.jpg I enjoyed my school lunch. It was fish finger and chips with beans. (Broden)

My favourite thing I have learnt is about Florence Nightingale. I liked sketching a portrait of her. (Beau)

I liked doing handwriting because it’s a good time to practise joining your letters up. (Logan)

I’ve liked our phonics, practising ai and oi (Martha)

Hedgehog Class Blog 9.10.20

“I enjoyed challenging myself and doing lots of takeaway number sentences.” Alice

“I liked the story Oi Dog we looked at in English.” Ben

“I’ve enjoyed writing tricky troll words in Phonics.” Harry

“I liked doing a spot the difference!” Amelia

 “I liked learning about the Jewish festival, Sukkot.” Willow

“I enjoyed building a Sukkah in outdoor learning.” Lenny

“I enjoyed going on the bikes and trikes.” Isaac

“I enjoyed doing gymnastics.” Daniel

“I enjoyed going in the forest.” Sofia

“I’ve enjoyed everything.” Jude

Squirrels Class Weekly Blog – week beginning 05/10/20

This week we have been learning all about Florence Nightingale.  

We sketched pictures of Florence Nightingale (Bailey).

She was called ‘The Lady with the Lamp’ because she held the lamp every night when she was checking on patients in the hospital. She was nurse. (William).

Florence Nightingale was named after Florence, in Italy (Thea).

I found out that Florence Nightingale was a bookworm and she trained at nursing school (Mia).

Florence Nightingale made hospitals a better place, by keeping hospitals tidy and giving them better food (Freddie).

In Maths this week we have been solving addition number sentences, using a number line. We have been drawing our own jumps on a number line and partitioning into tens and ones (Mya). We have also been looking at number patterns using a 100 square and how we bridge into a new ‘10’. For example, 39 – 40.

We are still learning about Traditional Tales and We painted traditional tale characters for a display in the corridor (Isabelle).

Some of us have built lighthouses out of Lego (Archie).In Science we talked about healthy eating and we designed our own plate of food (Elsie).

Squirrels Class Weekly Blog – week beginning 28/9/20

We have had another full, exciting week in Squirrels class!

This week we have been learning all about Lighthouses. “We made lighthouses” (Archie). We all planned and designed our own Lighthouses and used paint and paper to create them. We then learnt about electricity and made a simple circuit using a light bulb, battery, wires and crocodile clips. “We made a circuit to light it up”. (Mia)

In Literacy we have been learning about heroes and villains. We have been comparing different fairytale characters and describing them. We then had a go at writing a character description, using adjectives and noun phrases. “We wrote sentences about different characters” (Ava).

In Maths this week we have been completing different number patterns and securing our number knowledge. Harley Rhys “We have been using big numbers in maths, I even did 1000!”     

Today some of us came to school on our bikes and we started our Bikeability Course. “We practised putting our helmets on. We cycled in and out of cones and practised stopping using the brakes”. (Isabelle)

Hedgehog Class Week 2 Blog 2.10.20

“I enjoyed making wands in the forest.” Harper

“I enjoyed going outside and doing the number hunt!” Evie-Mae

“I enjoyed going on the bikes and trikes.” Ollie

“I enjoyed being in the forest.” Alice

“I enjoyed pushing Ollie and him pushing me in the hammock in the forest.” James

“I liked playing with my friends in the mud kitchen.” Mabel

“I liked going to the library and choosing nature book so I can learn about hedgehogs.” Darcie-Mai

“I like doing Maths with Miss Brice and Mrs Bone.” Willow

“I liked going on the swing in the forest.” Lily T

“I liked challenging myself to do lots of take-away number sentences with Willow.” Sofia

“I liked looking for bugs in the forest!” Amelia

“I like digging in the forest.” Jude

“I’ve enjoyed everything!” Ben

“I liked trying to put the skeleton together.” Lenny

“I’ve enjoyed being at school seeing the teachers.” Lottie

“I’ve enjoyed making books and playing with my friends.” Jessica

“I like playing with the lego.” Lewis

“I liked playing with the animals.” Isaac

“I enjoyed looking at the body and the different parts.” Tilly

“I liked playing with the construction.” Harry

“I enjoy playing with construction too.” Christopher

Hedgehog class blog – Week 1 25.9.20

Wow! I can’t believe how quick this week has flown by! We have had a great week. They have all been so grown up, you would not know it was their first week in Year 1. 

This week in Maths we have been learning about how to sort objects in maths. We have also been subitizing, where the children tell me the number of objects in a set, quickly, without counting. We encourage them to look for patterns or facts such as “3 red and 3 yellow that’s 6!”

In English we have been looking at rhyme. We read the story Tree. We discussed the different seasons and picked out the rhyming words. We also discussed adjectives to describe the different seasons.

In phonics we are recapping sounds previously learnt.

On move up day the children learnt that hedgehogs hibernate for the winter. In topic we looked at hibernation a little bit more and learnt which other animals hibernate too. We also discussed that some animals migrate to hotter countries. We have learnt lots about the seasons this week and the children have enjoyed telling me their favourite season and why.

The children had a great afternoon in the forest learning how to use different tools. 

In PE the children recapped Gymnastic positions such as tuck, pike and straddle.  

We look forward to another fun filled week next week!