Hedgehog class blog 4.12.20

“I liked learning about advent.” Isla

“I liked making the advent wreath.” Mabel and Lottie

“I like seeing who gets to take the chocolate from the advent calendar each day!” Lily H

“I enjoyed forest school. I liked looking at the wood through a microscope!” Jessica

“I liked making a stained glass window bauble.” Laura

“I enjoyed writing my letter to Santa.” Evie-Mae

“I enjoyed walking in the snow to post my letter to Santa!” Christopher

“I enjoyed challenging myself doing part part wholes.” Ben

“I love learning something different each day!” Willow

“I enjoyed making a Santa!” Tilly

“I liked decorating the tree.” Amelia

“I liked adding!” Isaac

“I like coming into school and learning everyday.” James

“I enjoyed writing The Three Little Pigs.” Sofia

Squirrels Class Weekly Blog – week beginning 23/11/20

This week in Maths we have been learning about fractions. “We have found ½, ¼, 1/3 and even 2/3, and ¾ of different numbers” (Mya). We have also found fractions of different 2D shapes.

“In handwriting we have been practicing capital and lower case letters and where they sit on the line” (Thea).

In Literacy we have been learning about instructions. We found out about imperative verbs (bossy verbs), using Little Miss Bossy. And also time connective (first, next, then, after that, finally). “We followed instructions to make paper aeroplanes” (Annabelle). “We wrote instructions for how to make potato truffles” (Elsie).

“We have been learning how to sew” (Emiliana).

“We made cake trifle and tasted it” (William).

We are coming to the end of our World War 2 topic now. We have all really enjoyed it!

Hedgehog Blog 27.11.20

“I enjoyed drinking hot chocolate near the fire in the forest.” Tilly

“I enjoyed drinking hot chocolate and having biscuits around the fire.” Amelia

“I liked it when we found three goat bells, a goat recipe book, and a trolls hammer.” Jude

 “I liked learning about the Three Billy Goats Gruff.” Evie-Mae

“I enjoyed doing the story map of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.” Jessica

“I loved creating a map of the enchanted wood where all the Fairy Tale characters live.” Alice

 “I enjoyed writing a story about my teacher called, “Miss Brice’s Mistake!” Willow

 “I’ve enjoyed playing with all my friends.” Christopher

 “I liked everything!” Ben

“I enjoyed adding using cubes.” Isaac

“I enjoyed using a numberline to add.” Lewis

Otter’s Blog 20-27.11.20

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I liked drinking hot chocolate in the forest area. It made me feel warm. (Dylan.)

I liked making the snowman and Christmas trees in forest school. (Beau)

I really enjoyed making a moving picture. I did some good colouring too. (Finley)

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I liked learning how to find fractions in maths. (Freddie)

I liked learning how to make a shelter using different materials and then testing to see how strong they were. (Lillia)

I liked swinging in the hammock (Sophia)

I learnt and enjoyed sawing to cut a disk. (Broden)

I enjoyed making a cat toy in forest time.(Thomas)

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I liked writing instructions in English and following instructions to make a paper plane. (Isaac)

I liked using a War time recipe to make trifle cake. (India)

I liked learning how to add tens and ones to add two 2 digit numbers together. (Evie)

I enjoyed drawing a picture using 2D shapes. (Mollie)

Squirrels Class Weekly Blog – week beginning 16/11/20

We have had another busy week in Squirrels Class! We have been continuing with our World War 2 Topic and we have been finding out about air raid shelters.

We have made air raid shelters and we tested them outside to see if they were camouflaged and strong (Annabelle).

We have also been finding out about some of the things that children and adults used to do for fun during WW2.

We learnt the Lindy Hop, about the radio, and some of the simple toys that children played with like marbles, dolls, metal cars, skipping (Harley-Reece).

 In Maths this week we have been learning about multiplication and division (Archie). The children used bead strings and plates to share out different amounts to find the answers to different subtraction number sentences.

In Literacy this week we read the book ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’ by Shirley Hughes and talked about evacuees. We wrote thought bubbles, using the first person, to describe how we would have felt if we had been evacuated to the countryside.

Hedgehog Class Blog 20.11.20

“I’ve enjoyed adding using numicon.” Willow

“I like doing part part whole.” Ben

“I enjoyed writing numbers to 100 and writing them in words too!” Sofia

 “I enjoyed writing the story of the three little pigs.” Tilly

 “I enjoyed building a house for the three little pigs!” Laura

“I enjoyed testing our houses to see if the wolf could blow it down!” Isla

“I enjoyed walking down the street and looking at the different houses.” Christopher

“I liked learning about materials.” Lewis

 “I liked digging for spiders in the forest.” Amelia

“I enjoyed playing in the forest with my friends.” Jessica

 “I liked being in the forest.” Daniel