Otter’s Blog – 6.10.17

In Science we learnt how germs get everywhere from sneezes, hands, coughs, raw meat.  If left unwashed they can weigh the same as Earth after 2 days. (Fin)  To stop this we should wash our hands with soap and water to get rid of the  germs before eating and after going outside/ to the toilet. (Ben C)

Kara-May enjoyed making the wolf face in challenge time because it was fun. The children had to draw round templates and collage the wolf face before sticking on his nose and ears.  Beware of Otters class full of wolves!

Albie – “ I enjoyed writing a letter to Grandma, pretending to be the Wolf.” The children all had a go at writing a letter in the writing area during challenge time.

We have started to plan our own version of Little Red Riding Hood.  We have changed the main character, setting, what is in the basket, who is poorly and who scares the wolf away. (Harry)  The children used a planning box and then a story S plan to plan their stories.

Charlie enjoyed making spoon puppets.  Later on in the week, we used them to act out the story of Red Riding Hood. Some of us were Grandma, Red Riding Hood and The Wolf.

In PE we did gymnastics.  We learnt how to make different shapes with our body, different balances and balancing at different levels. ( Amber)

Red Squirrels Blog 6.10.17

This week in Maths we have been learning about multiplying. We started by using equipment to help us, we then learnt how to use arrays. We have to remember to make sure our dots are in straight lines. We also made arrays during outdoor learning using stones, sticks, leaves and pinecones.

In English we have started to plan our own version of Little Red Riding Hood. We have used our boxing up method and an S plan. We have changed the main character, the stetting, who the character is visiting, what is put into the basket and who is the hero at the end of the story.

In challenge time we have been making wolf mask using card, tissue paper, crepe paper and felt. They look fantastic up on our window!

In Topic lessons this week we have been learning about different puppets for example finger puppets, hand puppets and string puppets. We learnt how each one is used and the skills you might need to make them move.

We then made our own spoon puppets. We made Red Riding Hood, Granny and the Wolf. In groups we then performed the story of Little Red Riding Hood using our spoon puppets it was so much fun!

Otters Blog – 22.9.17

We have had a very busy week and have learnt many ways to add during our maths lessons.  We started using numicon to help us partition numbers and by the end of the week we were starting to add using number lines. (Albie and Lucie)

In English we listened to the story of Little Red Riding Hood.  We have written descriptions of her and the wolf. (Esme)  In art we then sketched wolf pictures using either wax crayons, pastels, charcoal or sketching pencils.  (Harry and Mehdi).  In science we learnt which foods we need to eat for a healthy diet.  We drew these and have put them on our display board.

In geography learnt about manmade and physical features and identified which was which in Little Red Riding Hood’s journey to Granny’s house.

Red Squirrels Blog 22.09.17

This week in Maths we have been partitioning numbers using numicon and multi-link, we know that numbers two-digit numbers can be split into tens and ones and three-digit numbers are split into hundreds, tens and ones.

By the end of the week we had started to add numbers together using number line resources and blank number lines.

We listened to the story of Little Red Riding Hood in English. We wrote character descriptions using adjectives to describe the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.

We have sketched wolves in Art using pastels, charcoal, wax crayons or sketching pencils, we are very pleased with the artwork we have created. The pictures are going to be used in our hall display.

In Science we have been learning about the different food groups and what foods we eat to have a balanced diet. We have drawn pictures to go onto our food pyramid.

We have also learnt about physical and human features in Geography and identified them in the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The trees are physical. (Elsie) Grandma’s house is human because it has been built. (Lenny)

Otters Class Blog – 15th September 2017

Welcome to everyone who has joined Otters Class this term.  We are all looking forward to the exciting new challenges and learning experiences that Year 2 brings.

This week we have been ordering numbers. We then had to find one number above and below and then then next five numbers from a given two digit number.  Some of us were able to do this for 100s numbers!

In English we have started looking at Traditional Tales.  On Monday we went round the school looking different clues to lots of traditional tales and had to guess which ones they belonged to.  We found some porridge and a spoon – what story could that be from?  We have read lots of different tales and told our favourite ones to our friends.  We have been describing some of the main characters and thinking about the different settings.

In art we have been very busy making the scenery for our corridor display – see if you can spot the different traditional ales we have depicted.

Red Squirrels Blog 15.09.17

On Monday afternoon we became detectives, we had to work out what our new topic would be about. In the hall and Mrs Hayes’ classroom there were different clues. One of the clues was bricks, sticks and straw we worked out they belonged to the Three Little Pigs.

On Friday we wrote our own Traditional Tale it had to start with once upon a time.

In our challenge time we made numbers for the Maths Area we decorated them with glitter!

We have created some artwork from different Traditional Tales for our corridor display. Come in and have a look!

Miss Ely has given us a box of lots of different Traditional Tales for us to read together.