Otters Blog – 12.1.18

Our new topic is Hot and Cold.  We have been learning about the different countries that are hot and cold.  To help us we have been practising our map skills. We have looked at maps in an atlas.  We now know that there are 7 continents and 5 oceans in the world.

In our challenge time, we made snow globes and snowflakes to decorate the classroom.

In maths we have been resilient and resourceful.  We have learnt how to partition numbers and used this to help us add.  We have been resilient because we have continued to keep trying until we have got better at this. We also have worked collaboratively to solve sums together. Today we were able to solve word problems using what we had learnt and were all put on silver because of our continued hard work.

In English we have been reading poems.  We have worked collaboratively to write our own spine poems about a snowflake.  Later in the week we worked independently to write an acrostic poem.

We have been very creative and have made lots of animals for our rainforest display.  We used pastel, collage and paint to draw and decorate these. For our Inuit display, we sketched people and animals and then used water colour paints to decorate. Miss Davenport thought our displays looked great!

Otters Class Blog – 24.11.17

In maths we have been learning how to recognise which number is greater than another.

32 > 15

15 < 32

We also have learnt how to add ten to a number. We have been resourceful using numicon and number lines to help us.  We have been resilient by practising how to add a 2 digit number using a number line.

In English, we have continued to write instructions.  We have worked collaboratively to think up ideas.  We have been creative writing our own instructions on how to wash, train or look after our mythical woodland creature.

In PE we have been resilient trying and trying to improve our exercises.  Mrs Ash has set us a challenge to complete in 2 weeks!

On Thursday, we had the fire service visit and we learnt how to escape from  a fire safely.  We also learnt about tools and equipment on board the fire engine.  We have been reflective  using what we learnt from the day to help us with our instruction writing.

Red Squirrels Blog 17.11.17

Lexi has shown resilience in Maths this when she was trying to find different ways to make one amount. Lexi didn’t give up and she kept on trying.

In our library time Abigail believes we were creative because all the children made a mask or a party hat for our Pudsey Picnic!

Jayden thinks we were all curious when we learnt about how far the fire spread. We wanted know where it started and how far it spread and how long the fire lasted for.

Elsie feels like she has been collaborative with Lenny this week because they tried to make different amounts using coins in Maths.

In Maths on Friday we had to use our measuring skills to measure the different body parts of Pudsey the Bear. Lucy thinks we have been creative and enthusiastic.


Red Squirrels Blog 10.11.17

In Art we learnt about the artist Jackson Pollock. Lucy creative when  she drew a picture in the style of Pollock. She used a black felt tip to draw the curved lines and then chose 4 different colours to fill in some of the spaces created by the overlapping lines.

Isobel has shown resilience this week in Maths. At first she was unsure of how to tell the time but she hasn’t given up and is taking a clock home to practise with!

Lenny thinks all of blue group worked collaboratively when they used metre sticks to measure the length of our school hall. They had to work together to make sure they were measuring accurately.

In topic we have shown we are curious learners because we have lots of different questions we would like to find out the answers to about the Great Fire of London. (Harry C)

This morning at 11 o’clock we had one minutes silence to remember people who have fought in wars. We think this shows that we are reflective. (Miss Firth)

On Friday morning Maisie thinks Squirrels were creative when they made a Poppy for Remembrance Day.

Squirrels Class Blog 3.11.17

In challenge time I was creative when I made my firework picture using 2D shapes. I used a circle as the moon. I used a rectangle, a triangle and a small circle to create a rocket. (Isobel)

We were creative and collaborative when they made The Houses of Parliament in the construction area. We used an image of the building to make sure we had all of the parts in the right place. (Harry C and Robert)

Ellie-Mai and Codey were curious in Maths when they were trying to find the fractions of 2D shapes.

Pixie showed resilience this week when her firework picture made from 2D shapes did not go to plan the first time. She corrected her picture and kept on trying until she was happy with it.

All of Red group showed they were collaborative in their library session. They worked together to read stories and asked each other questions. Miss Claxton was so impressed they all received a silver sticker!

Elsie thinks all of Red Squirrels have been collaborative, reflective and creative when we have been using our Talk for Writing to learn our new instruction text called ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’.

Otters Class Blog – 3.11.17

We have been learning about 2D shapes this week and have been very creative by turning some of them into firework pictures using black paper and pastels.  Some shapes have straight sides and others have curved sides. We also looked at the shapes to see where their lines of symmetry are and then used paper shapes to find fractions of the shapes.

Earlier in the week we were curious learners discovering lots of facts about Guy Fawkes.  We found out that he wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament because some people did not like the King, King James I. We celebrate the event on the 5th of November which is when the plot failed in 1605.

We have also been practising our retelling of How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth and were very creative in the actions we used to remind us about the order of the instructions.


Otter’s Blog – 13.10.17

This week we have tested our bodies with exercise activities to see what happens to our bodies.  We found out that running faster makes us sweat, breathe quicker and makes us thirsty. (Amber and Riley) We also learnt that some items are dangerous and some are safer. We talked about how dangerous things need to go on a top shelf so that we cannot touch or spray them.  These include: calpol, bleach, deodorant, tablets, medical spray and razors.

In English we have written our own version of Little Red Riding Hood.  We changed the characters, setting and who was being visited.  We have written some amazing stories.

Today we had the Garlic Puppet Theatre visit to tell the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  “It was funny,” said Isaac, “ It was cool,” said Amelia, “ I found out that the goats sounded different because they wore different kinds of bells on them.” Esme

In maths we have been learning division.  We have practised sharing by 2, 5, 10.

In music we listened to a song and hummed or clapped the beat back. (Amelia)