Hedgehogs Class blog 2.11.18

We have been giving clear instructions to each other to show how we get changed for PE. Lacie

You need to follow instructions step-by-step. Evie

Today I could smell a smell of a creature. Lily-Rose

We found clues down by the pond. A footprint was in the grass and we had to be very quiet so the creature didn’t run away. Primrose

I found an inflatable club and I think it might belong to a troll. Arthur

We saw a tent. It might have been Caveman Dave’s tent. Aeryn

Alfie has enjoyed coming back to school and playing with his friends Harley, Charlie and Elle.

Charlie and Toby have enjoyed playing football on Fit Friday.

Isabella has enjoyed riding on the balance bikes and gliding on them.

Henry Easthall enjoyed learning the day time and night time animals. The night time animals are called nocturnal animals.

Blake enjoyed doing the wordsearch about number words.

Owls Class Blog 12.10.18

This week we spent the day at Pensthorpe.

‘My favourite part of the day was the big slide outside’ – Ella Sh, Jenson, Harrison, Phoenix, Isla, Bethany & Reggie

‘I liked the biggest slide in Hootz House’ – Erick, Logan, Lacey, Ruby, Harry S, Isaac & Bella

‘I enjoyed seeing the Red Squirrels’ – George, Holly, Kevin & Maddie

‘I liked the zip wire’ – Ellah B,Ava & Caitlin

Poppy enjoyed collecting leaves and sticks to put on her colour chart

Frankie enjoyed seeing the Cranes

Emily enjoyed making the balls fall on Miss Sampson’s head in Hootz House.’ I made a friend called Freddy and he is 2.’

Amelie liked seeing the Flamingoes

‘I enjoyed going to the Bat maze’ – Chidubem

Finlay enjoyed feeding the Geese by hand, he said they were friendly and ‘tickled my hand.’

Eli liked playing on everything outside.

Eliana and Mrs Chaplin really enjoyed the bridge outside because it moves ‘up and down’!

Savannas favourite was in Hootz House. ‘At the top there is a spinny thing in the Tree House where you sit on top of it and Bethany spun me round in it.’

Owls Class Blog 05.10.18

‘Fit Friday’ is always a popular topic of conversation when we write our class blog. We LOVE it and we are becoming much more confident on the balance bikes now.

We also enjoy the ‘Funtrition’ activities.

‘This week in Funtrition we played a running game to get us fit.’ Chidubem

‘We played a crocodile game in the hall. We were trying to snap people in the water.’ Jenson

‘We have also been playing football.’ Frankie

We have been listening to pieces of Vivaldi’s music. These were called the ‘Four seasons.’

‘I liked Spring because it made me think of the flowers coming out.’ Bella.

‘I liked listening to Summer.It made me think about when the sun shines.’ George.

‘I liked Summer. All the birds are singing when it gets to  the evening.’ Ava

‘I like listening to Winter because it made me think of animals hibernating.’ Lacey

Next week we are looking forward to going to Pensthorpe Natural Park. Look out on our blog for lots of photographs of us having fun there.

Owls Class Blog 28.09.18

We have had another busy week in Owls Class.

We read the story of Elmer and have been celebrating how important it is that we are all different.

‘We have been making an Elmer out of a milk bottle using coloured bits of tissue paper’ – Maddie, Ruby & Isaac

As part of our Talk for Writing learning we have been innovating our model text to make the story our own.

‘Mine was about a Unicorn whose horn was snapped’ – Poppy

‘My story was about a Rabbit whose leg got broke’ – Amelie

We have looked at some new sounds in our phonics sessions and read some more great stories delivered by the Phonics Fairy.

‘We have been learning a new sound ‘oy, oy’ joy of a toy’ – Lacey, Isla & Chidubem


In maths we have been learning about 2D shapes – Chidubem

This week we have been learning how to throw and catch in PE with Mrs Ash – Bella

We went on the Balance Bikes on Fit Friday – Ellah

Hedgehogs Class Blog Week beginning Monday 1st October 2018

I enjoyed listening to music by Vivaldi. I liked the ‘Spring’ music, it sounded quite evil sometimes. – Blake

I enjoyed learning about orchestras. I enjoyed learning about the string instruments. – Arthur

I enjoyed learning about subtraction calculations. – Elle

I enjoyed writing a story about finding something. I enjoyed creating my own story and then writing it down. – Primrose

I enjoyed writing down and working out subtraction calculations in my maths book. – Lacie

I liked doing balance-ability outside. – Aeryn

I enjoyed doing outdoor learning – I liked making my name out of natural objects. – Stanley

My favourite thing this week was subtraction and taking away from 10 (number bonds). – +Charlie

I enjoyed creating my own story and then getting it videoed on the iPad. – Evie

I liked doing my addition and subtraction calculations. – Kaia

I enjoyed having my story recorded on the iPad. – Isabella

I enjoyed learning about music. When I grow up, I will have lots of guitars. – Toby

I liked doing my subtraction calculations. – Lily-Rose

We liked creating paintings of instruments. – Hedgehogs class

I painted a picture of a guitar. – Farrah

I painted a picture of a drum. – Charlie

I painted lots of different types of instruments. I painted a drum, a xylophone and a drum. – Blake

I made a lego guitar. – Alfie

I made a guitar out of plastercine. – Peter

I made a humungous drum with black paint – it took ages! – Harley

I made an instrument a guitar out of plastercine. – Dexter

I made a drum out of clay! It took me a long time because I had to put in a lot of detail. – Elle