Hedgehogs Blog 30.4.21

“I enjoyed playing in the forest and climbing the sticks.” Jessica

“I enjoyed playing lego with James.” Chris

“I enjoyed pushing Mabel in the hammock.” Laura

“I liked playing Reggie.” Daniel

“I enjoyed making numbers 1-36 with numicon.” Lenny

“I enjoyed playing in the forest.” Mabel

“I enjoyed making my own coat of arms.” Isaac

“I enjoyed everything.” Lily  T

“I enjoyed writing instructions on how to teach your dragon to breathe.” Tilly

“I enjoyed playing with the lego. I made a swimming pool.” Lottie

“I enjoyed doing extra maths challenges.” Willow

“I enjoyed labelling the armour.” Darcie-Mai

“I enjoyed doing extra maths!” Lewis

“I like counting in 5s.” Matilda

“I like counting in 10s.” Isla

“I enjoyed doing the Captain Tom challenge” Amelia

Hedgehogs Blog 23.4.21

“I love coming to school everyday.” Daniel

“I loved doubling in Maths.” Willow

“I enjoyed having a fire in forest school. We cooked toast over the fire.” Tilly

“I liked doing PE” Isla

“I enjoyed doing PE too!” Darcie-Mai

“I enjoyed building a house with the lego.” Lottie

“I also enjoyed having the toast over the fire.” Lily H

“I enjoyed seeing Miss Brice everyday.” Harper

“I love seeing all my friends and teachers.” Harry

“ I enjoyed playing with the mud kitchen.” Laura

“I enjoyed seeing my teachers and friends and doing lots of learning.” Chris

“I enjoyed everything this week.” Mabel

“I enjoyed digging for worms.” James

“I enjoyed finding new bugs with Lottie.” Amelia

“I enjoyed playing with Ben and Esmae.” Jessica

“I enjoyed playing teachers outside with Alice.” Sofia

“I enjoyed making a swimming pool with Matilda and Lottie out of lego.” Ilaria

“I enjoyed climbing on the sticks!” Jude

“I enjoyed playing Black Panther with James.” Lenny

“I like challenging myself in Maths.” Lewis

“I enjoyed seeing Miss Brice, Mrs Bone and all of my friends.” Lily T

Hedgehog Blog 16.4.21

“I enjoyed playing with Sofia in the mud kitchen in the forest. We made cheese!” Tilly

“I enjoyed playing in the mud kitchen with Lewis. We were making lovely tomato and chicken soup!” Lenny

“I enjoyed playing in the mud kitchen too!” Harper

“I liked colouring in wands in the forest with Esmae and Jessica.” Daniel

“I enjoyed playing on the swing in the forest.” Christopher

“I enjoyed finding worms with Willow and Alice!” Lily T

“I enjoyed showing Alice how brave she was to hold a worm because at first she was afraid.” Willow

 “I enjoyed looking for worms and other minibeasts.” Amelia

“I enjoyed holding a worm.” Ben

 “I enjoyed listening to the story The Egg.” Isla

“I enjoyed drawing dragon pictures with Willow” Sofia

“I enjoyed drawing a dragon picture with Tilly.” Alice

“I enjoyed adding in Maths.” Mabel

“I enjoyed making a house out of lego with Matilda and Ilaria.” Lottie

“I enjoyed learning the different ‘igh’ sounds in phonics.” Isaac

“I liked telling Miss Brice how to make a jam sandwich!” Ollie

“I enjoyed writing instructions on how to make a jam sandwich.” Jess

“I enjoyed playing caveman with Ollie.” James