Owls Class Blog 26.04.19

“I like our new topic!” Frankie
This week we started a new topic ‘Land Ahoy!’. We had a great stunning start where we had to go on a treasure hunt!
 “I enjoyed creating a new cover for my topic book.” Maddie
“I liked making my pirate.” Holly
 “I enjoyed drawing my own pirate during challenge time!” Chidubem
“I enjoyed writing a pirate poem” said Poppy
 “I love our new roleplay area” Ava
We have learnt lots about pirates already!
We have also enjoyed:
 “I enjoyed throwing rockets in PE” Amelie.
 “I loved going on GOLD!” Emily
 “I enjoyed writing today.” Bella

Otter’s Blog 29.3.19

This week we have been very busy. We have challenged ourselves to complete lots of quizzes. We have tried very hard with completing a maths quiz and a reading quiz. (Farrah)

Also, we have made some lovely Mother’s Day cards using tissue paper to make pretty flowers. (Liam)

On Thursday, some Mad Scientists came to our school and did some really exciting experiments. We learnt how gravity works. What would happen to Tim Peake if he didn’t wear his spacesuit in space. We watched how a marshmallow (Tim Peake) got bigger when air was taken away from it. (Dylan)

In addition, we found out how medicines and cleaning products should be kept away from little children and that we should not touch these. We found out that these can make our skin or body poorly. (Scott)

Asa has achieved gold learner for his enthusiasm in writing.

We have also been learning how to recognise an odd and even number, (Luke)

Red Squirrel Blog 29.03.19

“I enjoyed doing the Arithmetic quiz!” Tommy

“I enjoyed the reading quiz.” Aimee-May

“I enjoyed the mad scientist.” Chloe

“I enjoyed playing with springs in science.” Wes

“I enjoyed Freddie Football flying in the air in assembly.” Emma

“I liked it when the mad scientist created a fire!” Dexter

“I enjoyed getting full marks in my tests!” Eshal

“I liked looking at the lights when we were wearing the refracting glasses” Ebony

“I enjoyed  making 3D shapes out of polydron.” Samuel

Red Squirrel Class Blog 22.03.19

I liked drawing shapes with sides of certain lengths.(Chloe)

I liked dancing at the Corn Exchange.(Elise)

I enjoyed writing out my plan for my story.(Wes)

I enjoyed writing my story.(Jenson)

I enjoyed learning about homophones.(Aimee-May)

I really enjoyed visiting ‘The Key To Life’ bus.(George)

I enjoying making a time line of Neil Armstrong’s life.(Ebony)

In Science we completed our cress growing chart.(Jessica)

In Maths we have been solving one and two step number problems.(Emma). 

Otter’s Blog 15.3.19

In maths this week we practised our times tables and doing some multiplication sums.  Then we used these strategies to help us work out some word problems.  We also did word problems that needed to use subtraction, addition and division.

In English we wrote a story map of Mr Big, the lonely gorilla.  We then changed some of the story and added our own  ideas. We wrote our own story maps, and as a class have changed lots of different parts of the story to make a new story.  The new story is about Zog the alien who lives in the sandy dunes of Mars.  Today we have been practising writing dialogue, it is quite difficult to learn and remember which bits need to be inside the inverted commas.

For Science we have put some cress seeds in different places to see what they need to grow.  We have put the seeds without light, water or soil.  One was in the cupboard with soil and some have been put on the windowsill with water or with soil. We are waiting to see which grows the best.

In PE we are putting together our own routines to make a class dance.

Red Squirrel Blog 8.3.19

I enjoyed doing our rocket rotation in maths – George and Caleb W

I liked World book day and enjoyed making my favourite front cover – Wesley and Samuel

I enjoyed pancake day, making a healthy pancake menu in PSHE – William

I liked making our phones with our favourite characters on the screen – Emma and Chloe

I liked doing our thermometer work in maths using degrees Celsius-Ebony and Aimee- May

I liked doing maths all day for World Maths Day – Harry

In Literacy we have learnt a new story called Mr Big – Joe

I enjoyed doing co-ordinates in World Maths Day –Henry

I liked doing archery – Mabel

Otter’s Blog 8.3.19

On Monday we learned in Guided Reading, all about oceans. (Lola) In English we read a new story called Mr Big. We now have a story map and actions to help us remember the story.  We had to write about Mr Big and write a character description.  Today we tried to innovate the story and think about other places Mr Big would go on his journey.

Ralphie wrote “ First, he crawled and he crawled and he crawled through a dark, gloomy cave.”

On Tuesday, we celebrated Pancake Day. We talked and discussed good hygiene and how to add healthy fillings to pancakes. We were allowed one treat on our pancake too.  Olivia added bananas, strawberries and grapes.  Lennon added bananas, strawberries and chocolate spread.  Charlie-Roy added bananas, strawberries, golden syrup and some grapes.

We have also celebrated Maths Day, where we took part in maths activities all morning. We practised rotation and co-ordinates.(Dylan)

On Thursday it was World Book Day.  Everyone brought in a favourite book. We shared our books with the other Year 2 Class. We painted a picture of our favourite character and wrote a book review.  We took part in a quiz where we had to guess the story.(Lola, Ralphie, Olivia)

In topic lessons, we finished our Van Gogh style paintings by adding black pieces of paper to make silhouettes.  Come and have a look at these in the Year 2 corridor. Our teachers were very impressed with our work.  (Elsie, Olivia)

We have also found out how astronauts live in space.  We watched videos to show how they eat, drink, clean their teeth, wash their hair and go to the toilet. (Hope M)