Owl and Hedgehog Class Blog 14.02.20

“I liked doing music, singing hey you!” Tayler

“I liked making wood cookies in the forest.” Logan

“I liked using the greater than and less than symbols in maths.” Gracie

“I’ve enjoyed practising our assembly.” Thea

“I enjoyed going on the bikes and trikes.” Jacob

“I enjoyed practising our class assembly showing the star pictures that we have made.” Freddie

“I enjoyed making a fishing rod in the forest.” Sophia

“I’ve enjoyed practising my lines for the class assembly.” Harley-Reece

“I enjoyed writing, describing a setting using adjectives and similes.” Elsa

“I enjoyed doing poetry.” Mia

“I enjoyed making a bow and arrow in the forest.” Broden

“I enjoyed doing my lines for assembly.” Freya

“I liked finding worms in the forest area.” Ellamea

“I liked writing poems.” Beau

“I enjoyed playing in the mud kitchen.” Phoebe

“I’ve been looking after people at play times.” William

“I enjoyed digging in the mud kitchen.” Thomas

“I enjoyed reading a book in the forest area.” Evie

“I enjoyed learning about poetry.” Bailey

“I enjoyed our class assembly.” Isabelle.

“I enjoyed learning about cinquain poetry” Jesse

Hedgehog Blog 07.02.20

“I enjoyed making craters on the moon dough in science.” Logan

“I liked adding and taking away in maths.” Freddie

“I liked being in the forest!” Phoebe

“I liked drinking hot chocolate in the forest!” Thomas

“I enjoyed playing with the charcoal face paint in the forest!” Ryan

“I liked creating rocket pictures like the artist Peter Thorpe.” Erin

“I enjoyed sketching flowers.” Elsa

“I enjoyed making sling shots in the forest!” Isaac

“I enjoyed being in the mud kitchen.” Broden

“I enjoyed my warm hot chocolate in the forest!” Harry

“I liked making a fishing rod in the forest.” Thomas

“I loved writing similes about the beach.” Gracie

“I liked using watercolours and painting our fruit bowl.” Sophia

Otters Blog 7.2.20

Lily-Rose and Zach enjoyed learning about getting a good night’s sleep and how to calm before going to bed. Evie said that she uses a special spray that smells nice and helps her relax and go to sleep. Charlie listens to calming music through his headphones.

\\1781-serv01\Home$\Staff\MrsAChild\My Pictures\2020-02-06 Maths 6.2.2020\Maths 6.2.2020 079.JPG Eriks liked the maths lessons where we learnt about 2D shapes. We have used geoboards and i-pad apps to make shapes and then drew shapes on dotted paper. (Frankie)

\\1781-serv01\Home$\Staff\MrsAChild\My Pictures\2020-02-06 Maths 6.2.2020\Maths 6.2.2020 089.JPG

In English Ella S liked writing a description of a jungle setting using adjectives, nouns, similes, verbs and adverbs.

Ruby and Madeline liked learning about habitats and how there are different food chains. We learnt that a food chain needs to begin with the sunlight and a plant. The plant is the producer and then consumers (animals) then follow in the food chain. (Dexter, George, Reggie) Henry liked sorting animals and plants into a food chain and drawing out his own for display.

In PE, Isla liked using the apparatus to complete sequences that we had practised the week before. We had to use a jump, a balance, a roll and a shape. Prim’s favourite part was walking on the bench and balancing before jumping off.

Harry liked watching our gymnastics team show their sequence in assembly. Well done to Ella T and Isla who represented the school and came first in the competition. Ella liked going to use the apparatus at Eagles gymnastic club.

In Art, Thalia said that we had to paint a background using hot or cold colours. We had to mix the paints to make darker and lighter shades. We painted in stripes getting lighter as we worked down the page. We then had to add animals and plants using colours that were camouflaged onto the picture.

In PSHE we had to think about our goals for the future and what we want to do when we grow up. We wrote these ideas on some log discs and decorated them. (Bella)

Hedgehog Class Blog 31.1.20

“I enjoyed Talk 4 Writing and writing sentences to describe a beach.” Braidie

“I enjoyed using Numicon to do subtraction in maths.” Broden

“I enjoyed reading with Mrs Bone.” Ellamea

“I enjoyed moving like an Alien in PE.” Elsa

“I enjoyed making and painting my moon buggy.” Evie

“I liked making my own planet with icing and a biscuit!” Beau

“I liked playing in the mud in forest school.” Ryan

“In the forest I tried digging to Africa!” Thomas

“I enjoyed drawing my own planet!” Sophia

“I enjoyed building a den in forest school.” Evie

Otters Class Blog 31.1.20

In Science we have been learning about animals and their habitats. We went on a mini beast hunt searching for them in different habitats. We went in the forest area and searched under leaves, bark, logs, twigs, on trees and in the hedgerow.  (Reggie)

Isla, Thalia and Ella S found a slug on a log.  Madeline, Kaia and Bella also found a slug on the play area. Lacie, Charlie, Henry and Alfie found four worms underneath a log.  Charlie saw a fly.  Isabella, Eliana, Ella and Ruby found 5 worms and two spiders. Alfie saw a millipede We had to think of words to describe the habitat that they were living in. These words included dark, damp, cold, wet, moist, dry, light. Later on in the week, we learned about camouflage.  We then had to place different coloured paper somewhere in the classroom where it would be easily camouflaged. We repeated this by putting it somewhere it would be easily seen.  We then played a game to show how species evolve and become camouflaged in their habitat.

George liked learning about the leaf bug and how it can camouflage like a leaf. 

Blake liked seeing how a frog can blend in with some brown leaves. 

Evie liked it when we searched for different coloured lolly pop sticks (representing snakes) in the grass and had to see which ones were easier and harder to find.  We plotted it on the graph and saw that green was less easy to find. 

In maths, Charlie liked making a graph with our bodies to show our class favourite colour.  We then also made a block graph to show this.

Prim enjoyed going on a traffic survey. We walked to the main road and had to complete a tally to show the number of vehicles that passed by in ten minutes.

In PE, Frankie liked doing a warm up playing red, amber, green game. We had to balance when we stopped for red.  George and Isla liked making a sequence of 4 in gymnastics. The children had to include a jump, a balance, a roll and a shape.

In English, Madeline enjoyed writing her own quest story. We have also started to learn and study a story called Lost in the Jungle.  We have put the story into 5 parts, The beginning, build up, problem, resolution and ending.  In drama, we created freeze frames for the different parts of the story.