Hedgehog Class Blog 6.3.20

“I liked tying the sticks in a knot to make a ladder.” – Logan

“I liked toasting marshmallows and putting them in biscuits.” – Isabelle

“I liked swinging in the hammock.” – Phoebe

“I liked playing with my friends and throwing mud at targets in forest school.” – Lincoln

“I enjoyed practising my handwriting.” – Ellamea

“I enjoyed making a jungle collage.” – Evie

“We looked at Henri Rousseau.” – Braidie

“In maths I enjoyed counting to 50 in ten.” – Beau

“I enjoyed dressing up as an adjective on World Book Day and telling my friends.” – Matthew

“I liked using bead strings in maths and making part-part-wholes.” – Elsa

“I liked making a story map from a non-chronological report.” – Sophia

“I enjoyed outdoor learning and going on the bikes and trikes.” – Thomas

“I’ve enjoyed finding out facts about dinosaurs.” – Rowan

Owl Class Blog 6.3.20

“I enjoyed making a dinosaur landscape out of paper mache.” Archie

“I enjoyed making paper plate dinosaurs.” Bailey

“I’ve enjoyed making a stegosaurus text map.” Mya

“I’ve enjoyed riding my bike.” Joseph C

“I enjoyed creating a dinosaur forest in the style of Henri Rousseau.” Emiliana

“I enjoyed dressing up as an adjective for world book day.” Isabelle. 

“I enjoyed making a model with Freddie.” William

“I enjoyed making an ichthyosaur!” Mia

“I enjoyed looking at large numbers using the part part whole in maths.” Annabelle

“I enjoyed going on the bikes, I can now pedal without stabilisers!” Freya

“I enjoyed riding my bike on the grass.” Evie

“I created a dinosaur out of counters!” Elsie

Otters Blog 6.3.20

\\1781-serv01\Home$\Staff\MrsAChild\My Pictures\Maths money 6.3.2020\IMG_6955.JPG I loved it when we did maths with the coins and numicon. We had to make an amount shown. (Lacey T)

I liked writing sentences using the power of three. (Evie)

I liked it when we saw Miss Riddington who visited for a while and using the i-pads to log onto Purple Mash.(Isabella)

I liked it when we wrote our own stories. My idea was a Sonic story. (Frankie)

I liked it in PE when we had to find different ways to travel around hoops. (Lacie D)

We celebrated World Book Day. I liked dressing up as magical and clever when I dressed as Hermione Granger. (Isla)

I liked making cards. (Reggie)

We enjoyed going on the bikes and practising balancing and steering. (Lily-Rose and Kaia)

We liked listening to different genres of music and picking out different instruments used and the rhythm. (The whole class)

I liked answering questions in the booklets when we read in guided reading. We read about Mary Anning. (George)

We have enjoyed learning about Mongolia and reading a book about Erdene who lived in a ger. (whole class)

In geography we have been learning about the world and its continents. We looked at maps and labelled the continents. We learnt a song to remember the 7 continents.

Hedgehog Blog 28.02.20

“I enjoyed looking at different footprints.” Ellamea

“I liked looking at different footprints and guessing which animals footprints they are!” Joshua

 “I enjoyed learning about different animals.” Braidie

“I enjoyed looking at the non-fiction book about a gorilla.” Tayler 

“I enjoyed grouping animals.” Logan

 “I liked finding out about our new topic and discussing it !” Freddie

“I enjoyed writing about dinosaurs.” Elsa

“I enjoyed learning about our new topic!” Eleanor

 “I was really excited by our new topic!” Isaac

“I enjoyed learning about dinosaurs.” Broden

 “I liked discussing questions about dinosaurs.” Beau

 “I enjoyed counting in 10s” Matthew

“I enjoyed making large numbers in maths.” Gracie

“I love doing maths.” Isabelle

 “I enjoyed filling the whole table with tens frames, we made 440!” Evie

 “I enjoyed counting in tens and ones.” India

“I liked going on the bikes and trikes in outdoor learning.” Sophia

“I enjoyed flipping pancakes outside!” Ryan