CORONAVIRUS Update 5 Friday 17th April

Dear Parents

We do hope you are all continuing to stay safe and well at home. The continued sunshine over the Easter holidays has helped us all to cope with our current situation. Hopefully, the children all enjoyed themselves and have eaten their fill of chocolate treats!

We have stayed open over the holidays for Key Worker children although the numbers have been very low. This has enabled us to keep everyone safe and I am pleased to say that staff remain healthy and well at the moment.

We shall start to set daily Maths and English activities again on Monday as well as weekly cross curricular learning activities. These will continue to be posted on Tapestry. Please do get in touch if you need any further support or guidance. If you need a new exercise book to record the learning in, we will put boxes containing new books outside the school for you to collect if you are passing. Mrs Chimes is rejoining the staff team on her return from maternity leave and will be setting a weekly physical challenge for the children in all year groups. Look out for these on Tapestry. The Department for Education has put together lists of useful websites and the BBC are putting together learning activities on their website. Staff will direct you to the most useful of these.

A skeleton staff will continue to be in school for the Critical Care of key worker children. If you do need us please either telephone the school between 8am and 4pm or email on

If you are finding home learning a challenge, there is a factsheet on the school website under Home Learning which gives some useful hints and tips. Try to pace yourselves. We are not expecting all the work to be completed every day. Keep doing what you can and remember through talking and playing with your children, they will be learning.

Please do be careful to check that the parental controls are high on your devices. Some of the learning suggested will be through websites etc  and it is important to really know what your child can and cannot access. There are various guides that can help with this. This is the link to the NSPCC website.

Stay safe everyone!

Jo Davenport and all the staff at SWIS

Denis the School Dog – Week One

Hi everyone – it’s Denis here. I’ve really missed you all this week. I’m not sure why things have changed but I don’t see many people anymore when I go out.

Some parts of my week have been the same. I still get up at 6am. Miss Davenport lets me out in the garden and gets my breakfast. Then I get ready for school and we drive from Fakenham to Kings Lynn.

At school things have been very different. Only a few children have been coming in. Miss Davenport told me they were the children of front line workers. I don’t know what this means but it sounds important. I’ve decided I’m a “Front line dog”!

I have been allowed to play on the field and have managed to explore all the corners of the school grounds including the hedges. Mrs Burt had to pull me out of one the other day when I was chatting to a dog who lives next door!

I have seen all of the teachers and staff this week but they haven’t all been in together. Miss Davenport has been busy doing “important” jobs to do with money with Mrs Crosby. I don’t really understand what she is talking about when she says “budget” and “financial year” but it doesn’t sound as much fun as “walkies” and “biscuits”!

Miss Davenport says you have all been busy having fun and learning at home. She has shown me some of your pictures and videos on her iPad. It was good to see you and all the work you have done.

I was supposed to have an injection this week but the vet said not to come. I was very pleased as I don’t like needles! I also couldn’t get my hair cut but Isabella’s grandma sent me a very nice message. Hopefully I will be able to have a cut before my hair grows over my eyes!

This weekend we have to stay at home. Miss Davenport’s brother talked to me last night all the way from Italy. I could see him on the screen. He has been at home in his apartment for three weeks. His wife is a doctor and she works in a very busy hospital. I was pleased to see they were both well.

Anyway, I hope you all stay at home and stay well. I will update you next week on my adventures and look forward to seeing all the things you are up to at home.

Love Denis xxx