Week beginning 3rd December 2018

Primrose has enjoyed writing her own version of the Jolly Christmas postman.

Aeryn really liked playing with her friends.

Thalia loved achieving a silver sticker for being really helpful and tidying up the classroom.

Henry S loved achieving a gold sticker for making his own shadow puppet theatre.

Arthur enjoyed achieving a gold sticker for his skills in maths – he worked out the number bonds to 20 and then taught his friends how to do it themselves!

Toby liked playing with his friends at lunch time – he enjoyed working in a team in class. He also loved having hot chocolate and biscuits at the reading café.

Evie enjoyed learning her number bonds to 10 and 20!

Dexter liked playing with Zach and Arthur in the playground – we enjoy playing sonic the hedgehog.

Stanley enjoyed playing football at play time.

Isabella enjoyed making a robin at the reading café.

Charlie loved making biscuit houses in Y2 and eating them at the reading cafe! Also he liked PE – in PE they were studying gymnastics and learning lots of different jumps.

Farrah loved having some warm hot chocolate at the reading café.