School Uniform

School Uniform Order Form


Pupils are encouraged to wear a school uniform. It is not compulsory – but it does help to create and maintain a school image (and makes life easier for parents in the mornings !). The range available and prices can be checked at the school office. Children need plimsolls (black, slip-on or velcro), white or black shorts and a red school-logo T-shirt for PE. They will also need a PE bag to keep their kit in.

It is essential that all clothing items (& other things) brought to school are named clearly.

There is a container undercover outside for articles of lost clothing.

Jewellery should not be worn at school but those who have pierced ears may wear studs, however, these must be removed for P.E. No facial jewellery, tattoos or body piercing of any kind are permitted. This ensures safe practice around the school & during PE activities, and avoids damage to such items.


We ask parents to send their child to school in sensible and appropriate footwear, relevant to the weather conditions and mindful of safety when playing or running. Summer sandals should have back support and cover for the toes for health and safety reasons.