Owls Class Blog 05.10.18

‘Fit Friday’ is always a popular topic of conversation when we write our class blog. We LOVE it and we are becoming much more confident on the balance bikes now.

We also enjoy the ‘Funtrition’ activities.

‘This week in Funtrition we played a running game to get us fit.’ Chidubem

‘We played a crocodile game in the hall. We were trying to snap people in the water.’ Jenson

‘We have also been playing football.’ Frankie

We have been listening to pieces of Vivaldi’s music. These were called the ‘Four seasons.’

‘I liked Spring because it made me think of the flowers coming out.’ Bella.

‘I liked listening to Summer.It made me think about when the sun shines.’ George.

‘I liked Summer. All the birds are singing when it gets to  the evening.’ Ava

‘I like listening to Winter because it made me think of animals hibernating.’ Lacey

Next week we are looking forward to going to Pensthorpe Natural Park. Look out on our blog for lots of photographs of us having fun there.